The number of basis functions or nodes (grid points) that have to be stored and processed depend exponentially on the number of dimensions.
Since the tunnel current depends exponentially on the barrier width, this device is extremely sensitive to height variations on the examined sample.
It depends exponentially on the sum of the angles of the direction changes the climber has made.
Consequently, the tunneling distance "d" is reduced and so the tunneling current, which exponentially depends of "d", is increased.
The resistance depends exponentially on the barrier thickness.
Since the transmission coefficient in tunneling depends exponentially on particle mass, semiconductors with lower effective masses are more easily contacted.
The attraction a protein feels from a charged surface () depends exponentially on the surface's charge, as described by the following formula:
They depend exponentially on temperature, like this:
The formulae are complex and depend exponentially on the voltage and temperature.
This effective mass depends exponentially on the sum of the angles of the direction changes the climber has made.