But his friends know him as a very dependable friend, always willing to help his friends with their troubles.
Bamboo is Errol's ever loyal and dependable best friend.
He had nowhere to go, no dependable friend left anywhere.
After a while I just stopped looking at boys, knowing better than to encourage them and perhaps alienate the only truly dependable friend I had.
The small, scarred table now held my five most dependable friends on the planet.
After all, he had dependable friends in the news media.
In addition, a fibromyalgia doctor may become a close, dependable friend you can talk to when you have worries and anxieties.
Or start your own diet support group, choosing dependable friends who actually have time to offer weight loss help and won't let you get away with making excuses.
He is Reden Caharian's ever dependable best friend and confidante.
He is a good friend of mine, very helpful, and always dependable.