Burkett is in favor of the deduction for dependent care.
The most widely used corporate program for the aged is the flexible spending account for dependent care.
Such responsibilities may include, but are not limited to, consumer debt, dependent care, university education for dependents, funeral costs, and mortgages.
Crippled, he was put in his mother's care, one-legged and dependent.
Some employers let workers choose a tax-free reimbursement for child and dependent care as one of their benefits.
To win over moderate Republican senators who were threatening to bolt, party leaders added provisions involving low-income workers, affordable housing and dependent care.
The general term dependent care (i.e., care of a dependent) is also used for the provided help.
Having the company pay for your dependent care when you're traveling is not the solution, but it may come in handy.
Some corporations, however, do defray the cost of dependent care at home when parents are away on business.
We have had to confront previous attempts to break with Federal tax policy, recognizing that dependent care is an important work-related expense.