For the first time, such grandparents will be able to claim dependent exemptions for the grandkids.
Under the minimum-tax rules, however, property taxes - and deductions like state and local income taxes and personal and dependent exemptions - must be added back to arrive at the taxpayer's alternative minimum taxable income.
The legislation also included nominal tax credit increases, including $50 for personal and dependent exemptions, and $88 in deductions for deposits made into Ohio Medical Savings Accounts.
A $400 exemption for each dependent under 18.
It replaces 2,000 pages of the tax code with 12 questions by combining the child credit, the Earned Income Tax Credit and the dependent exemption.
The existing $1,000 per dependent exemption would fall to $350.
Also, the value of each taxpayer, spouse and dependent exemption advanced to $1,950 from $1,900.
It tends to affect married people with children (and therefore multiple dependent exemptions), large property tax deductions and high state and local tax deductions.
Prior to 1986, since dependent exemptions did not require SSN numbers, SSNs were usually not applied for until the dependent was well into the teens.
Fifteen percent represents the total increase in the Federal tax burden since Bill Clinton took office. . . If the personal and dependent exemption that was $600 in 1950 had kept pace with inflation, it would be $3,800 rather than the current $2,500.