The two studies are not directly comparable as they use different dependent measures.
The only dependent measure was involvement with antisocial peers, again an aggregate measure.
Volume measures were linearly regressed against body weight, and the residuals were used as the dependent measure (see Table 3).
These measures, dependent on statistics that often lag two to three years behind events, were confirmed by the survey of residents' attitudes, Dr. Miringoff said.
Our measures of duration dependent on our ideas.
We first determined that the distribution of all four dependent measures were normally distributed (Fig 2), before subjecting the data to correlational analysis.
The dependent measures for this experiment were the number of stress remarks made and a separate measure of personality designed to measure individual differences.
This time can be manipulated experimentally to determine its effects on other dependent measures such as reaction time or brain activity.
While the univariate analyses showed that there were significant group differences in 3/5 of the dependent measures.
Unobtrusive manipulations and measures: Conceal independent and dependent measures so that they do not provide clues about the research hypothesis.