Notes of this series depict famous Scottish bridges on the reverse side.
In the past it was depicted on the one side of the 5.000 drachmas banknote.
They depict on the obverse side the bust of the prince, now facing to the right again.
A white horse is depicted on the side of the hill made from white quartz that has been placed into position to make the shape.
The first image depicted a ball on the left side of the frame.
The second image depicted a ball on the right side of the frame.
This is the step depicted on the right-hand side of Figure 1.
The falls were depicted on the reverse side of the Canadian 1954 series five dollar bill.
The Ragnarök battle itself may be depicted on the north side.
The play equipment is depicted on the left side of the 37-foot-wide 8-foot-high mural, which wraps around three lobby walls above an inner door.