It depicts over 200 figures, many with identifying inscriptions, representing a number of mythological themes.
In 1979, it published a territorial sea and continental shelf map depicting its claim over the area.
The 2nd series was issued on June 9, 1934 and depicted an airplane over Copenhagen.
They have tried to depict the Emperor's visit to the cemetery as a broad gesture of shared sadness over that conflict.
Allegorically the images depicted the contest between angels and demons over the fate of the dying man.
A visual representation of these metrics can be used to depict prognostic performance over a long time horizon.
The town's coat of arms depicts a net cast out over the ocean, entangled in which are five herrings.
Military units were to stage a show depicting victories over counter-revolutionaries for the benefit of invited workers.
The show is part of a series depicting life in the United States over several decades.
The piece required 2,496 pencils to draw, and depicts over 10,000 buildings and 150,000 windows.