The WBG depicts causal relations between factors of an accident.
Not a kinship system - which depicts actual relations - but an idealized system linked to certain cosmological ideas.
The Harris-matrix is a tool to depict complex stratigraphic relations when they are found, for example, in the contexts of urban archaeology.
One scene is particularly controversial, as it depicts sexual relations between a woman, a German Shepherd dog, and a snake.
The play may be described as a political allegory depicting black/white relations during the time Baraka wrote it.
The social graph in the Internet context is a sociogram, a graph that depicts personal relations of internet users.
DVDs depicting sexual relations and magazines showing unveiled women are forbidden.
Some small things from Tesla's personal effects are selected to depict his personality, way of living and relations with other people.
They depict relations among individuals that can speciate and diverge from one another.
The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife is not the only work of Edo-period art to depict erotic relations between a woman and an octopus.