"We're all supplicants in today's film world, and there's a deplorable tendency to assume the audience's attention span of a gnat and to look for those who can play to that," said the veteran producer David Brown ("Deep Impact"), whose career spans three decades.
You cannot have a working economy without a working ecology, and there's a deplorable tendency to avoid biodiversity in post-planoforming situations.
There were many things that endeared her to him; and he felt that she would be an exemplary wife, if there were only some way of curbing her deplorable tendency to domineer.
A deplorable tendency to make ironic comments on cricket blogs?
So Rojer could smile, too, summoning up what Isthia had called the deplorable tendency of her male relatives to charm as easily as they breathed.
There she lives each day in the thick of its languid communality, "a central European with an English education and a deplorable tendency to constant self-analysis" who is fated to feel like an eternally displaced person.
Rebels had a deplorable tendency to go off the edge when cornered.
A naturally joyless nature, reared on bleak principles, could perceive only the most deplorable tendencies in a lively family's desire for enjoyment.
'I've always had a deplorable tendency to exhibitionism,' Guy agreed, his deep voice full of laughter.
She took her carriage, even though Araminta's house was not far, because Araminta had more than once criticized what she felt was Rachel's deplorable tendency not to employ the proper trappings of her station in life.