The Customs Service deployed agents at all points of entry into the United States.
In recent years Cuba has been more successful in deploying agents, even placing some in some top United States posts.
Why doesn't the I.N.S. deploy agents to the marriage bureaus to arrest and deport these people entering into bogus marriages?
Tricks included deploying agents in the north of England to compose the daily wireless traffic for a nonexistent army that was training to invade Norway.
American law enforcement agencies are rapidly expanding overseas, deploying agents to dozens of countries in scores of joint investigations.
If Iraq finds some way to deploy biological agents effectively, we may have a real problem on our hands.
The General Direction has deployed special agents throughout Paris to make sure that merchants comply, and there is a central complaints telephone number for consumers.
He knew very well that fear of Securitate informers was as effective a way of hamstringing opposition as actually deploying agents in the field.
Atkins was given one of SOE's most sensitive jobs - recruiting and deploying female agents.
Mitsubishi Ki-21 "Sally" (medium Bomber modified for deploying secret agents or special forces)