Since 2006 the UN have deployed extra peacekeepers in the area south of the Litani which has led to a period of relative calm between Israel and Lebanon.
As UNTAG began to deploy peacekeepers, military observers, police, and political workers, hostilities were briefly renewed on the day the transition process was supposed to begin.
On February 5, 2007 Tanzania offered to train Somali government troops, but not to deploy peacekeepers.
European officials acknowledge that they cannot deploy peacekeepers without the Afghans' agreement, a fact the British did not pay sufficient attention to when they rushed 100 commandos to Bagram several weeks ago.
UNMISS responded by deploying peacekeepers to Pibor town and urging both the Murle and Lou Nuer to lay down their arms.
The decision represents the first time the Security Council has deployed peacekeepers for preventive purposes, with the aim of stopping an eruption of violence before it has begun.
A cease-fire took hold, the war was over, and the United Nations then took on the task of deploying peacekeepers and settling the border lines for good.
On 20 July, the foreign minister told the press that Malaysia was considering plan to deploy peacekeepers to Lebanon.
The example has long discouraged deploying peacekeepers for any purpose other than to enforce an already established peace.
The Dutch government has continued deploying peacekeepers, sending troops to Macedonia, Albania, Ethiopia, Liberia, Afghanistan and Iraq.