They deployed seven times during the Vietnam War.
He deployed eight times on seven ships and twice in command of McClusky.
For 20 years VF-74 would deploy 15 times with the Phantom, 13 to the Mediterranean and two to South East Asia.
Between 1961 and 1964 the frigate was deployed four times to the West Indies, also visiting Argentina.
Prior to the Korean War, she deployed three times in the Mediterranean.
In 2006, they deployed 2,232 times in response to 11,725 calls to spontaneous firearms incidents.
The personnel of the 48th deployed six times in support of Operations Northern and Southern Watch.
She then deployed three times to the Mediterranean.
Air bags deployed more than 2,000 times a day last year - probably much more, but the agency's crash-reporting system does not gather that data.
So on average, you're deployed twenty times a year for three hours each episode, and you've managed in all that time to never fire your weapon.