Each full turn starts with the deployment phase.
Following the conclusion of the two battles, the turn ends and a new turn begins with the deployment phase being repeated.
Ivory Coast was the organization, planning, training, and deployment phase of the operation.
Patriot executed her deployment phase during the 2003 calendar year.
This usually corresponds to a huge investment with its own depreciation period, marketing strategy (if any), and deployment phases.
While the intense training has become longer it also has shifted to include a deployment phase.
The general deployment phase, involving replacement of 35 million meters, will start in 2012 and continue thru 2017.
Then comes the deployment phase, which will be taken charge of by the industry and which is predicted to last from 2014 to 2020.
We are finally in a position to initiate guaranteed planning for Galileo's deployment phase.
They're not particularly stealthy during the initial deployment phase," she pointed out.