This prevents the buildup of creosote and other sooty deposits inside that can cause a fire and hinder performance.
Several disease processes result in deposition of larger amounts of hemosiderin in tissues; although these deposits often cause no symptoms, they can lead to organ damage.
These deposits typically do not cause any symptoms.
These deposits can diminish or block blood flow to parts of the brain, causing strokes.
Through a natural process known as deltaic switching, the river's deposits of silt and sediment cause the Mississippi to change its course every thousand years or so.
The deposits of the rivers caused the waters to become only submerged at high tides.
Excessive deposits can cause strokes and heart attacks.
The deposits caused stiffness and discomfort.
These deposits can also cause bumps in tendons in the hands or feet.
Carcinomatous deposits in the pelvis can also cause presacral space widening.