As the 'new' sterling was deposited with banks, their deposits and bankers' balances increased by equal absolute amounts.
In the most recent quarter, the bank's deposits increased on average by 8 percent from the period a year earlier.
As a result, the bank's deposits increased dramatically, from $16 million to $35 million in 18 months.
Community farm banks are also in a better position to lend money because deposits have held up or increased, he said.
Volcanic deposits can increase agricultural production, particularly in tropical areas where they replace beneficial elements leached from the soil by heavy rainfall.
The total deposits increased 32.6 times between 1971 to 1991 compared to 7 times between 1951 to 1971.
And the Connecticut Banking Department said deposits at nine out of 10 new banks have increased dramatically over the past few years.
Since the launch of the project, loans and deposits have increased dramatically.
Likewise, total deposits increased by $453.5 million, or 7.2% to $6.7 billion from $6.3 billion at March 31, 2008.
At greater depths, he found huge deposits of ore and production increased immensely.