The deposits range from strandlines to shoreline gravel to spit and bar complexes, among others.
If you buy a HUD home, for example, your deposit generally will range from $500 - $2,000.
The deposit ranges from 0.25 euro to 0.50 euro a container (27 to 54 cents), depending on its size, much higher than the 5-cent deposit in many American states.
These deposits range in size from that of a human fist to large melons.
In the 1970s deposits ranged from 20c for a 30 oz bottle and 10c for a 10 oz and 6 oz bottle.
The 25 deposits ranged from $200,000 to $799,000, according to currency transaction reports filed by the Commerce Bank to the Treasury Department.
These deposits can range from dissolved silica to matrices formed from iron oxides and calcium carbonate.
The deposits that are required by the lending institutions can range from several hundred dollars to several thousand, for example.
Initial deposits could range from, say, $1,000 to $6,000.
These deposits range from deep marine olistostromes to shallow marine clastic and carbonate deposits as the Fungurume basin was filled.