In September 2001, the wing saw completion of the Block 30/35 upgrade when that same aircraft rolled out of depot maintenance.
Other categories of readiness, including depot maintenance, spare parts, range and training center modernization and force protection, would receive $2.6 billion more under the Rumsfeld plan.
Conducted flight tests on aircraft returning to active service after depot maintenance, modification, or repair from, 1988-2001.
I know that after each campaign I am given depot maintenance, restored to full fighting efficiency, my original glittering beauty.
"Retire for depot maintenance, vector 035, range 40.5 kilometers."
But the Army's request for depot maintenance and procurement was only about $2.2 billion in the supplemental request.
I tell the ore carriers ahead of me and behind me that I must break ranks for depot maintenance.
Can my Commander understand my need for depot maintenance?
The new report goes beyond the earlier draft in one respect, by recommending a joint command for depot maintenance.
Warner Robins supported approximately 6,500 Army aircraft in this area with depot maintenance and supply.