The company has been buying back large amounts of its stock at the depressed prices.
By 11:30, heavy selling again depressed prices, which then kept dropping most of the day.
The company said the loss was the result of a litigation charge and continued depressed prices for steel.
At current depressed prices, they could be purchased and renovated for the same cost, $50,000 per room, of putting up a new building.
That has put extra animals on the market and depressed prices.
Q. From an investor's point of view, do you see opportunities in depressed prices?
They cannot tender, so their choices are to hold or sell now depressed prices.
In the last two years the company has sold most of these homes at depressed prices.
"After five years of depressed prices, everyone involved in the local market had given up hope," he said.
Because of its depressed price, his stock was vulnerable to a takeover.