He was so impoverished now that being the target of his help became a peculiarly depressing experience.
Shopping there became such a depressing experience - so now I shop elsewhere.
Strolling about the old town is an uplifting rather than a depressing experience, particularly during the Bienal.
He also called the film "a depressing experience".
The place was little more than a repository for the nearly-dead; working there had been the most depressing experience of his young life.
If one experienced political discussion solely through the prism of tv/radio news it would be a depressing experience.
For all of us, a terribly depressing experience was to stay forever in our minds.
But Fitch, like the others, found assembly a depressing experience, hearing all those terrible things.
I found dining at Lutèce a depressing experience of late.
It was the most depressing experience of my life.