When you're there, it doesn't feel as hopeless as it does back here, reading the depressing statistics in the newspaper.
Despite the depressing statistics Rover chiefs are publicly at least taking an optimistic view.
Mike Fetters, director at totaljobs.com, said: "These latest depressing statistics don't come, sadly, as a surprise.
Most of the children begin life and enter adulthood among conditions that yield depressing statistics.
This is not one of those environmental screeds that marshal the usual depressing statistics, excoriate the predictable villains and despair for the future.
However, the depressing statistics are a source of hope for at least one board member.
In view of the new and depressing economic statistics, however, those bipartisan negotiators seem to be talking about giving a sick man the wrong treatment.
The neighborhood the book describes, with its usual depressing statistics on homicide, drug use and welfare, is no surprise.
Want some depressing statistics on the Yankees?
I do not see any huge turnaround in the very depressing statistics for institutional religion.