Agitation and unrest nonetheless persisted throughout the depression, marked by periodic clashes, such as a sit-down strike in Vancouver that ended with "Bloody Sunday."
However, this was soon interrupted by the onset of a mental illness that landed her in a psychiatric hospital in 1931 and again in 1933, where she was diagnosed with depression marked by obsessive and paranoid inclinations.
Major depression, marked by a loss of interest or pleasure in almost all normal activities and symptoms like poor appetite, loss of energy and feelings of worthlessness, affects 11 million adult Americans a year, the panel said last week.
Oldest of all, the shallow depressions marked as the Indian Rifle Pits may be the vestiges of the 1768 Ojibwe ambush.
For three years the nation had been mired in a deep economic depression, marked by low prices, low profits, high unemployment, and violent strikes.
The local economy suffered a depression, marked by high unemployment and underemployment, as laid-off workers took lower-paying, non-union jobs.
It is a disc-like fossil with radial ridges on the rim and a five-pointed central depression marked with radial lines.
Another was a line of six depressions, marked with a blunt-nosed object, some sort of a projectile.
The commercial real estate industry is trapped in a depression marked by a virtual absence of lenders willing to take any risk.