This disfranchisement persisted for six decades into the 20th century, depriving blacks and poor whites of all political representation.
Though he and his friends rarely discuss it, he says, he believes that Afrikaners must make up for the decades of depriving blacks.
This will deprive poor blacks and Hispanics of job opportunities.
Opponents have contended that disinvestment hurts apartheid's victims, not its villains, by depriving blacks of jobs, weakening their economic leverage.
They had deprived blacks of education and come to believe the African Americans could not learn.
Mr. Richey said he and his family worried that doing away with busing would deprive both blacks and whites of an important opportunity.
"They disfranchised these whites as willingly as they deprived blacks of the vote."
They called the project racist, saying it would deprive blacks of recreation space.
While the legislature deprived free blacks of the right to vote in the Commonwealth for some years, Woodson was instrumental in securing public funding for black education.
Waller County, a rural county 50 miles northwest of Houston, has a long history of depriving blacks of the right to vote.