Mr. Glickman also complained that elimination of the market-based subsidy payments would deprive farmers of a vital safety net.
The British rewarded the Gakhhars for their cooperation in defeating the Sikhs, but deprived the local Awan and other farmers of their land.
Democrats have complained that ending market-based subsidy payments for crops like wheat, corn and cotton would deprive farmers of a valuable safety net.
This has deprived farmers in Texas and Mexico's Tamaulipas.
The United States contends that Canada has been unfairly subsidizing its wheat, depriving American farmers of earnings and driving up the cost to the Federal Government of its farm supports.
Many Afghans are hostile to opium eradication, saying it deprives farmers of their livelihoods.
European agricultural subsidies deprive farmers in developing countries of the ability to compete with their European counterparts.
It is depriving Palestinian farmers of crucial irrigated land to the north of the West Bank.
Hence I join in questioning whether rural development funding should be linked to the common agricultural policy at all, as this inevitably leads to depriving farmers of previous methods of funding.
It's said the pipeline won't deprive farmers and residents in areas where the water is diverted, but environmental activists argue that both the pipe and the plant will do more damage than good.