They wrote: "Decreased funding for residential mortgage-backed securities could set off a downward spiral in credit availability that can deprive individuals of home ownership and substantially hurt the U.S. economy."
These collateral consequences can deprive individuals of their means of life, whether or not they are ever convicted of the crime.
Title 42 of the United States Code (Section 14141), prohibits law enforcement officers from depriving individuals of rights protected by U.S. law.
More specifically, Agamben addresses how this prolonged state of exception operates to deprive individuals of their citizenship.
It would be economically disastrous, deprive individuals of their jobs, and do untold other damage.
Second, the solution they sought had serious implications for civil liberties since sections would effectively deprive individuals of their liberty.
The current reductionistic approach to care may or may not medicate crippling symptoms, but it certainly deprives individuals of their uniqueness.
The governments of Eastern Europe have deprived individuals of both motive and freedom as the price of a supposed social planning.
The Fifth Amendment has an explicit requirement that the federal government not deprive individuals of "life, liberty, or property", without due process of the law.
This thesis is mistaken in philosophy and mischievous in policy: it is used to justify depriving human individuals of human rights.