It's unfortunate that the Supreme Court voided the referendum, because it deprives voters of the opportunity to throw out the poker industry themselves.
The Republicans are not only missing an important and legitimate political issue but depriving American voters of information they should have.
Mr. Rowland, according to this plan, would have difficulty vetoing such a bill because it would appear undemocratic to deprive voters of an election.
The Court allowed a Georgia county to continue depriving black voters of a share of local power.
If people like the job their incumbents are doing, term limits would deprive voters of their incumbents' service.
He also maintains that the restriction is unconstitutional because it deprives voters of their right to choose their leaders in a democratic process.
The Electoral College system also skews the results, and deprives voters in certain states of the opportunity to see and hear the candidates up close.
The second, depriving voters of choice, is more relevant.
The law also establishes new criminal penalties for anyone who provides false information in registering or voting, or conspires to deprive voters of a fair election.
The suit charges that Mr. McGreevey is depriving voters of their right to choose his successor and asked the judge to declare a special election.