From 1923 to 1937, Mayo North elected 4 deputies (Teachtaí Dála, commonly known as TDs).
There were also reports before today that two deputies to the notorious Serbian paramilitary leader Zeljko Raznjatovic, known as Arkan, had entered Pristina.
The Chamber has 60 members, known as 'deputies', elected for a five-year term in four multi-seat constituencies, known as 'circonscriptions'.
The constituency will elect 3 deputies (Teachtaí Dála, commonly known as TDs).
In his stead a deputy known as Reddy Rao was appointed Dewan as he was close to the Resident in September 1817.
A newly appointed dictator would usually select a deputy, known as the "Magister Equitum" ("Master of the Horse").
From 1923 to 1948, Mayo South elected 5 deputies (Teachtaí Dála, commonly known as TDs).
The constituency was first created under the Electoral Act 1923 for the 1923 general election, electing 3 deputies (Teachtaí Dála, commonly known as TDs).
The constituency was served by 4 deputies (Teachtaí Dála, commonly known as TDs).
They had deputies known as "viceinstygators."