The Conservative Party selected David Wilson, a local councillor and deputy provost of Inverclyde.
The deputy provost is often the right hand person of the provost who assumes the provost's responsibilities in the provost's absence.
The situation could have escalated further, but a British deputy provost intervened and pointedly pushed the Soviet police back with his swagger stick.
The bride's father is Yale's deputy provost.
Charles H. Long, deputy provost of Yale, said colleges and universities found themselves in an inflationary trap.
On the other hand, Professor Hamermesh said, the number of administrators - deputy provosts and assistant deans - has been growing rapidly.
Added Charles Long, the deputy provost at Yale: "What we've had to do is make retirement as inviting as possible.
Many of the new officer's responsibilities are currently held by a deputy provost for budget and planning, faculty members said.
In 1966 he became director of the physical sciences at Yale, and three years later, deputy provost for science.
Everyday maintenance of the college is overseen by the rector, the provost and the deputy provost and dean.