As a federal deputy solicitor general and a private lawyer, you have brilliantly represented many clients and causes in court.
Mr. Frey, the former deputy solicitor general, said he hoped the question would remain academic.
Paul D. Clement, the deputy solicitor general, said the government would "welcome the opportunity" to defend the case on the merits.
Paul D. Clement, a deputy solicitor general, argued for the government in both cases.
Mr. Clement, the deputy solicitor general, expanded arguments that government lawyers made when a federal district judge began considering the case last year.
Ms. Mahoney, herself a former deputy solicitor general, clearly made headway during her 30 minutes.
Mr. Waxman, who served last year as a deputy solicitor general, was already well known to the Court.
She was assisted with the book by Leo Slaggie, who is still the deputy solicitor at the agency.
They date from Judge Roberts's days as deputy solicitor general in the first Bush administration.
She is about to become the deputy solicitor at the Interior Department.