But other Administration officials are beginning to say publicly what they have long said privately: that the deregulation program is moving far too slowly.
It was Ronald Reagan's deregulation program that freed the savings and loans from the restrictions of their historical role.
He is also seen as likely to develop an economic deregulation program in an effort to mend Japan's tattered trade relations with the United States.
At one time, several large energy companies arranged these contracts directly with large industrial users and other big companies as part of California's ambitious deregulation program.
They say it adopted policies that hurt Con Ed customers in order to spur them to shop for new suppliers, thereby pumping up its deregulation program.
An economic deregulation program, begun late in 1988, tried to stimulate growth and tame the Iraqis' appetite for imports.
State legislatures usually draft deregulation programs, but with significant input from the regulators.
It has begun an ambitious deregulation program.
It suggested that the Prime Minister head one council to push for scrapping unnecessary rules and prepare a five-year deregulation program.
Only a few cities, like Los Angeles and Pasadena, which opted to stay out of the deregulation program in 1996, are immune from the higher costs.