I'd start with a broad deregulatory approach to health care reform.
Mr. Greenspan's heavy regulatory bent on Wednesday was in marked contrast to his overall deregulatory approach in other areas, like hedge funds.
Mr. Powell is seen as generally supporting a deregulatory approach to Internet phone technology.
The threat of a slash-and-burn deregulatory approach shows that Mr. Gunderson's primary interest is generating low prices for dairy farmers to benefit processors.
Sending a Message Democrats again maintained that Mr. Clarke's deregulatory approach depleted the insurance fund that protects bank deposits.
It's not like CTIA wants the FCC to take a completely deregulatory approach to mobile regulation.
Some of them have also indicated a willingness to defer to his deregulatory approach.
Hoping to allay any concerns about taking a deregulatory approach, Mr. Pitt vowed not to take any steps that reduced investor protections.
This deregulatory approach earned him praise from industry and from others like some AIDS activists who benefited from the speedier approval of drugs.
Since Alan Greenspan, the next Fed chairman, favors a more deregulatory approach than Mr. Bradfield, he may be open to wooing.