The derelict internal spaces were completely demolished and replaced with a new internal structure which matched exactly to the existing walls and windows.
Their focus is on creative re-use, and re-imagining of Braddock's derelict urban spaces and resources.
Eventually it was decided to house the Ballet facilities in formerly derelict space to the rear of the building, retaining the arts centre in the existing structure.
Groundswell also examines the extraordinary plazas that are transforming small, derelict spaces in cities.
With the gaunt warehouse and the high vista of derelict open space all round him, he sat on an oil drum, chewing gum.
In 1997 the park, with mature trees, already existed as a derelict green space in front of Cologne Zoo, between Zoobrücke and the Rhine.
But both Ms. Meadow and Mr. Grove say that purchasing a derelict space is not their only option.
Don't miss playing a few ends at the Lyttelton Petanque Club, a development from the Gap Filler Charitable Trust, a community initiative that's reinvigorating derelict spaces around Christchurch.
Sorrentino has something of Don DeLillo's ear for American white noise - for the hiss and crackle that fills the country's derelict spaces, its "miles of cultivated moonscape."
The Romanian pavilion, for example, called "The European Influenza," was left purposely empty, a derelict blank space.