Lord Rutherford said after sharing a derisive grin with the other married men.
Rosette gave him a derisive grin, and started to laugh.
The leader of the Neyel forces snorted, his mouth twisted into a derisive grin.
It was hard for Wroma to hide a derisive grin.
And his wide derisive grin was no help either.
The Manatorian warrior, a derisive grin upon his lips, backed steadily away.
He flushed hotly under the derisive grins of the bulldozer drivers.
Then, as if the heads were moved by one muscle, all the faces were turned toward him with wide, derisive grins.
With a derisive grin he would tell himself, Damned useful, these little nanomachines.
Bennett could feel his mouth tighten in a derisive grin.