This will be immediately rebutted by the incumbent's derisive reference to "campaign rhetoric," if not in the same news story, then in the next day's edition.
Uruguay's victory became known as "Maracanazo," a derisive reference to the giant soccer stadium.
I heard derisive references to "copers," patients who chose the nonsurgical alternative of allowing the muscles around the knee to slowly strengthen.
On Tuesday night, amid the laughter and cheering that accompanied Ms. Brawley's return to the spotlight, only derisive references to the grand jury report could be heard.
The term "Suzy Homemaker" has become part of American culture, used as a derisive reference to any woman with habits linked to stereotypical domestic activities traditionally done by women.
At one point he slighted Mr. Hussein with a derisive reference to how he was captured on Saturday, hiding in an underground bunker.
On July 28, 2012, several members of T-ARA made public tweets that were purportedly seen to be derisive references to Hwayoung.
Each derisive reference to "the Communists" and the dangers of a German lurch leftward raised applause.
(Nevins was making a derisive reference to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, an anti-Kerry organization.)
This was a derisive reference to the increasing commercialization of Dalí's work, and the perception that Dalí sought self-aggrandizement through fame and fortune.