A derisive term used to refer to minor or amateur spammer.
Shvartzer is an often derisive Yiddish term for a black.
The word junker also can be used as a derisive term for a young man with arrogant and "classy" appearance.
"Monopoly money" is also a derisive term used in multiple senses.
Now it was the human tape recorder; the derisive terms had to keep pace with the passing decades.
Also, a derisive term for a dedicated, almost delusional, fan.
"Nugget" became a derisive term that followed Hart for the rest of his career.
This is called "horse opera," a justifiably derisive term when such physical action is the only kind of conflict in the story.
By several accounts, the most derisive term tossed toward Jones was meathead.
This has led to use of the derisive term, "big box churches".