As a result, the company no longer discloses the notional amount of its derivative position, which was $1.1 billion in 2000.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, in contrast, publish the notional amount of their derivative positions and disclose more information about their various counterparties.
Banks and other financial institutions are alone in having to disclose their derivative positions.
But if clients ask for help in managing a derivative position, it would be natural for Cygnifi to refer clients to J. P. Morgan, he said.
Early in the campaign I also got a glimpse of the difficulties of serving in what is, by definition, a derivative position.
E - Expiration of short derivative position (usually options)
H - Expiration (or cancellation) of long derivative position with value received (usually options)
Those assets will include mortgages, personal lending, commercial lending, derivative positions, money market lending to banks and other financial institutions and anything else.
There are also rules for the settlement of disputes arising over valuation of derivative positions.
Fair value balance sheets give investors the market prices of all of a company's assets and debts, including its derivative positions.