And indeed, too much here suggests a slightly softened, derivative version of work by other Londoners.
There is also a derivative version of this platform for 'B'-class cars (with larger variations expected in the future) called PQ46.
In 2009 Landman created a derivative version of the instrument called the Home Swinger, for workshops at festivals, where participants built their own copy within four hours.
There are several derivative versions of this dictionary on the Internet, in some cases reformatted or provided with an interface:
The derivative versions belong to the SBB as well as various private railroads.
Instead, it tracks how single lines are added and deleted in derivative versions of files, and produces the merged file on this information.
It is a derivative version of wxWidgets.
Moria inspired a number of derivative versions.
In some derivative versions, such as the GNOME version, the player starts at the centre of the grid. became the standard office suite on Linux and spawned many derivative versions.