The title is derived from a line in "Immigrant Song", a track from the band's third album.
As the name of the album (which is derived from a line in track five, "Eureka!")
The title is derived from a line in the traditional gospel song "Down by the Riverside", "I ain't go study war no more".
The album's title is derived from a line in the song "Promises Broken."
Its name derives from a long line of ships dating to medieval times.
The episode title is derived from a line from Babylon 5s pilot: ".
The pop-up store's name was derived from a line in Disney's animated film, Bambi.
"You can't even derive a violent feeling from a line of poetry without memorizing someone else's response from a book."
The book's title is derived from a line in the song Tristesse that was often played in the mess before a mission.
The band's name was derived from a line out of a poem Alexia wrote in secondary school.