The name derives from the town's ancient origins, meaning "The Guard".
Traditionally Mark's authority and survival has derived from its Petrine origins (see above "Authorship").
The club's name derives from its origins as a parking garage.
The picture of God at a man's mercy is surely one derived from the story's primitive origins, and no longer to be taken seriously.
He remembers that No. 182 was "a wonderful private house" with a great central hall and generous scale deriving from its origins as a flat.
The Bengali names derives from its origins in the Bengali calendar year 1176.
Today, Erewhon was as respectable a planet as any in the galaxy, even if it still retained some odd customs deriving from its origins.
Buque is Spanish for "ship" and bouquet derives from the ranch's French origins.
Its name is derived from its origins as a Portuguese station first settled in the 16th century.
Its name derives from its origins on the Pacific Coast, but today it has members all over the country and the world.