Over time, students of Amerta movement can be seen to become increasingly adept at moving in ways that derive from their developing relationship to inner and outer experience.
It is likely that the Beauchamp family's symbol, a bear, derives from their relationship to Urse.
The identity of a social class derives from its relationship to the means of production; Marx describes the social classes in capitalist societies:
Warrants, whose value is derived from their relationship to an underlying common stock, are widely considered a speculative investment.
Much of his turmoil, Knowlson writes, derived from his relationship with his fierce, overbearing mother.
In all systems of tuning, every pitch may be derived from its relationship to a chosen fixed pitch, which is usually A440.
All isomorphic keyboards derive their invariance from their relationship to rank-2 regular temperaments of Just Intonation.
Though upset and furious, Bette continues to derive comfort from her improved relationship with Tina.
The normal balance of all other accounts are derived from their relationship with these three accounts.
Morality is derived from a person's relationship with their community.