Historically, the Drude formula was first derived in an incorrect way, namely by assuming that the charge carriers form a ideal gas.
Thus, if I could derive cells of similar flexibility in a different way, I would gladly do so, even at considerable extra time and expense.
It is a normative concept of reasoning in the sense that rational people should derive conclusions in a consistent way given the information at disposal.
Kalecki derived this relationship in an extremely concise, elegant and intuitive way.
The term derives from the Latinate root "osculate", to kiss, because the two curves contact one another in a more intimate way than simple tangency.
Hierarchical network models are usually derived in an iterative way by replicating the initial cluster of the network according to a certain rule.
An important advance occurred in 1986, when Hermann Haus derived Goedeke's condition in a new way.
A stochastic prediction procedure is derived in a way that it meets the following two requirements:
One Off Broadway musical this season will be derived from contemporary popular culture, but in an entirely different way.
An analogous equation for the rotational diffusion of a rigid molecule can be derived in a similar way.