It is derived from the versions popular in Spain during the colonial period.
The generalizations which follow are derived from my own experience in one particular sector of British society during the era 1910 to 1980.
The name of the character derived from a comment by writers, during development, that they wanted a character with "man appeal".
Marie died the following year from an infection derived from a fall during her 7th month of pregnancy.
It is derived from other petroleum products during oil or natural gas processing.
The recognition phase is the run-time application of the information derived during development.
Confirming predictions derived from model testing during the design phase, the ship developed a huge list when hit by any significant force.
The name of the film is derived from the sound of casting during fly-fishing.
It is derived from the Arabic word for flower during the byzantine era.
West German government official figures derived during the 1950s using the population balance method put the death toll at about 2 million.