Cartoons imported from America led to anime that at first were derived exclusively from manga stories.
Prior to the collapse of the Grand Banks (and other) stocks due to overfishing, salt cod was derived exclusively from Atlantic cod.
On the criminal side, jurisdiction is exclusively derived from the criminal procedure code.
Western experts say the material still holds enough radioactive clues to show whether it is derived exclusively from virgin uranium ore, as is sometimes the case with reactor fuel.
With few exceptions, every other detail is derived exclusively from research.
Since water samples were available on only two wells, Rw had to be derived exclusively from wireline logs.
The ectoderm and mesoderm of the body trunk are exclusively derived from the teloblast cells in a region called the posterior progress zone.
But this time the electrochemical charge was derived exclusively from Chinese currency: aluminum Chinese fen and brass Hong Kong pennies.
Islam is the state religion of Saudi Arabia, and all legislation is derived exclusively from the Shariah.
Brane cosmology refers to several theories in particle physics and cosmology motivated by, but not exclusively derived from, superstring theory and M-theory.