He initially collected eighteen (supposedly) independently derived established human cell lines, including HeLa.
Names are derived from several sources, including proverbs, historical events, important chiefs, queen mothers, and plants.
Ethical: Attitudes and knowledge derived from an ethical framework, including an awareness of moral questions and choices.
To attack submerged boats a number of anti-submarine weapons were derived, including the sweep with a contact-fused explosive.
Their lyrics are nonpolitical, instead derived from the members' interests, including horror and B-movies.
Some of its parameters were also derived, including its effective temperature and surface gravity.
The individual may have derived this information from multiple sources, including physicians, family members, and the media.
A number of stimulants are derived from xanthine, including caffeine and theobromine.
Much of that revenue was derived from corporate data services, including Internet backbone network services in Europe.
Like the sesame seeds it is derived from, sesame oil may produce an allergic reaction, including anaphylaxis.