And yet, in Russian it is this derogatory meaning of the word that is practically the only one.
The word remained in common use until the 12th century but with more derogatory meanings.
Sometimes I think we can assume a derogatory meaning where there is none though.
Eddie Deng confirmed that the word meant only the color; there was no secondary, derogatory meaning to it.
However, in general parlance, it has the derogatory meaning of the English "cult".
The name "Tu" was most likely associated with a derogatory meaning and "indigenous people".
Ranec said, making the last two words into one, and thereby giving the phrase a slightly derogatory meaning.
This is the result of the often pejorative and derogatory meanings attached to the word "cult" in popular language.
Over time, the term has taken on a somewhat more derogatory meaning.
By the 1960s, however, the term had taken on a partially derogatory meaning as well.