Stapel described Jews as a landless nomadic people in pursuit of an international culture whereby they can integrate into Western civilization.
The very use of the word "settlement" to describe Jews moving into Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem is insulting.
By contrast, the statement by the evangelicals describes Jews as "branches of God's olive tree" that have "broken off."
During class, he would describe Jews as a people of profound evil who had "created the Holocaust to gain sympathy."
School books still use terms such as 'unbelievers' to describe both Jews and Christians.
Why don't we describe Christians or Jews in the same way?
Mr. Cash describes Jews, as a group, as vulgar and offensive.
In 1914 the journal described Jews as drinking blood as if it was milk in the context of killing Christian children.
A 1920 article in journal described Jews as "the filthy element" who "were avid for money" and who wanted to "proclaim the communist republic tomorrow."
"Thus one could describe Jews with some justification as a nation of perpetrators," Mr. Hohmann said.