He described the death penalty as a "one-shot deal" that was inadequate for a man who had wrought so much suffering.
The administration revealed the contract later that month, describing it as mainly a deal to put out oil-well fires.
The signing, described as a 360 deal, includes profit sharing in tours, sponsorships and merchandising.
Announcing the merger, Daniels described it as "a fantastic deal", saying that the combined companies would have a "robust capital position".
In his radio address on Saturday, President Bush described the drug benefit as "a good deal for seniors."
Although the city's Law Department acknowledged that both parties were close to an agreement, it was reluctant to describe it as a done deal.
The agreement Food Court and Turner signed in April was described as a two-year, $6 million deal.
Williams will part ways with Renault after two seasons, switching to Mercedes power in what the team described as a "long-term deal".
"I don't feel there is a whole lot to clean up here," said Burns, who signed what he described as a long-term deal.