Pukui described it as a practice of extended family members meeting to "make right" broken family relations.
With the benefit of hindsight, such an arrangement might be described as a "Spanish practice".
Contractors had begun projects at the college before approval from the public works board, which was described as a usual practice under Byrd.
Wimberley describes his photography as a spiritual practice, saying "For me the function of art is to give form to the spiritual."
The architects of the Constitution would be surprised to see "buried" intelligence described as a 50-year-old practice.
Publishers Weekly described the book as a "sharply observed tale of office relationships gone very wrong at a small Ohio medical practice."
Clients speak enthusiastically about the firm, and describe it as a "cutting-edge practice in the western style - goal oriented, helpful, and always available."
The Times described these Exercises as essentially a practice of command function in an expeditionary force of four infantry and one cavalry divisions.
But he described voodoo as a benign practice, and said outsiders were wrong to equate it with black magic or sorcery.
In late 2004, he banned the sale of drugs in Libreville's streets, describing it as "a harmful and illegal practice".