His age is unclear: he is described both as 21 years of age and 17 or 18.
It is suffering from what one expert described as '45 years of criminal mismanagement'.
No arrests had been made last night, and the three attackers were described as 18 to 21 years old.
He was described before the tour as "Twenty-one years of age.
Described as 20 to 30 years old, the man, who was covered with a blanket, had been shot once in the head, the police said.
But Bill says no amount of money can truly compensate for what he describes as three years of pain.
The task involved what Suzuki described as four years of mental, physical, moral, and intellectual struggle.
At that point, one man, described as between 17 and 20 years old, shot Gavin in the back, the sergeant said.
In 1984, after what he described as 21 years of drug abuse, he gave up the habit.
The victims, all described as between 18 and 22 years of age, declined medical treatment, he added.