Leedskalnin describes electrons and positrons as "north and south pole magnets".
How Nuclear Radiation Works describes protons, neutrons and electrons in some detail.
When Paul Dirac's equations describing electrons produced more than one solution, he surmised that nature must possess other particles, now known as antimatter.
Quantum confinement effects describe electrons in terms of energy levels, potential well, valence bands, conduction band, and electron energy band gaps.
The dangling bond energy levels are eigenvalues of wavefunctions that describe electrons in the vicinity of the defects.
Electronic configurations describe electrons as each moving independently in an orbital, in an average field created by all other orbitals.
The term "hot electron" was originally introduced to describe non-equilibrium electrons (or holes) in semiconductors.
It was apparently unknown to Lorentz that Joseph Larmor had used identical transformations to describe orbiting electrons in 1897.
A scientific theory which attempts to describe "electrons" is inherently abstract, as no one has ever observed an electron directly.
This turns out to be a very good approximation for describing electrons in a metal.