The propellant described in the patent is dichlorodifluoromethane, also known as Freon-12.
The patent actually belongs to the National Institutes of Health, where the initial research described in the patent took place.
Modern floor lifts maintain the basic elements of the original 1950s design described in the patent.
As described in the patent, the new headlight would contain light sensors to detect both oncoming traffic and the tail lights of cars.
This appears to be the key difference between the system described in the patent and Google Book Search.
This is described in the German patent 215225.
As described in the 1962 patent, the method avoids chloride impurities.
However, i4i denies that s4 used the techniques described in the patent.
The inventors or their assignees have 17 years of exclusive rights to the intellectual property described in the patent.
It ruled that all of the steps described in the patent could be performed by a human being with a pencil and paper.